Register Gitlab Runners with Ansible

Adrian Angel Sanz Melchor
3 min readApr 5, 2022



Photo by Collins Lesulie on Unsplash

We’ve been working with gitlab runners for some time now, we have a deploy server that we use to register projects and to make life easier for us, DevOps, on the security point of view (firewall configuration is easier when you use your own server instead of the whole public IP range from google cloud used on shared runners), also we can scale up or down, and we don’t waste pipeline minutes on the free tier (that is a fair reason if you make intensive use of CI/CD).

Since we have a lot of projects with CI/CD on these runners, I was tired on adding the runners manually, so I thought on some playbooks to automate the process

If you are not familiar with custom runners, you can check the documentation here

PD: I know that there are some Ansible modules dedicated to gitlab, but it didn’t address what I needed to.


You should have:

  • A personal access token with read access on repository and api (How to generate it)
  • Ansible ≥ 2.10
  • A runner previously installed on docker-compose (easier to manage that bare server install)
  • Some knowledge of Ansible

Let’s get to work!

File structure

I have my files organized like this:

I have an inventory which basically consist of localhost & the runner:

I also have a variable file that applies to all host (not a good practice but since I do not have a complicated inventory is fine):

Then I have 3 playbooks, main.yml will call the other two playbooks, and it will loop over the “projects” dictionary




Okay, but what does what

Probably, you are asking yourself how the f*** I use these playbooks, well, I’ll do my best to explain it to you:

So, on the first call of main.yml I will iterate over the projects dictionary, and I will retrieve the registration token for the runners, then I will set it as a fact with this naming scheme: "{{token_var_prefix+runner_loop_id|string }}": "{{ project_output.json.runners_token }}" which will end up in something like: runner_token_0 (note that the “0” comes from the runner_loop_id variable, which is set on main.yml with loop_control)

Then, on the second call we use the same workflow and iterate over the same dictionary, but this time we connect to the runner and run the register command (the one I use fits my needs, but make sure it fits yours!), we use the same naming scheme in order to get the facts we set before. Right before registering we check the output of the list command and if we find a runner matching the description we do not register it (avoid duplicate registers), and on the last task we restart the runner to make sure changes are loaded.

Finally, how you would execute it? (without hardcoding your api token)

ansible-plabook -i inventory/deploys main.yml -e api_token=xxxxxx

PD: Aditionally to make ssh faster create an ansible.cfg and add it to the root folder where you execute main.yml like this:

That’s all folks!

With this set of playbooks you will be able to register the runners automatically on any gitlab project you want, and keep track of the projects registered on those runners.

There are some updates to be done anyways to this set of playbooks, I would like to make a role which will allow:

  • register / unregister runners
  • select which runners you want to register on which project
  • Verify the runners are configured correctly
  • Choose which options to add on the register command

But for my needs it’s good for now.

Goodbye, and keep improving!



Adrian Angel Sanz Melchor

Just a spanish DevOps who likes sharing useful knowledge, working proudly @ Cipher